We are all busy moms so a quick daily cleaning schedule is just what we all need and I have just the schedule for you. I started this daily schedule at the beginning of the summer last year because I needed to keep up with cleaning but didn’t have all day to clean with 3 kids running around.

Quick Daily Cleaning Schedule for Busy Moms
Whether you work or stay home, there is always some cleaning to get done and I found the simplest cleaning schedule for you! I started it one day after deep cleaning my bathroom. I did not want to have to deep clean my bathroom every time I cleaned because you know there are days and weeks that can go by before you think to yourself, “When was the last time I cleaned this mirror?”

Easy Cleaning Schedule
This is what my schedule looks like every week for cleaning. As I said, I took a day to deep clean and then decided in order to keep up with everything I would do a quick clean every week. I assigned different days so I wouldn’t feel like I needed to clean everything in one day.

Monday: Bathrooms
We have 3 bathrooms so each Monday I clean toilets, mirrors, and vanities. If my kids are helping, they will do the floors or wash the bathtub. I usually give them a spray bottle of water and a cloth so they can spray and wipe down. We do spray our shower/bathtub every day so cleaning this isn’t a huge priority. Simple daily tasks can make it a lot easier in the long run! My favorite cleaner for most things is this!

Tuesday/Thursday: Laundry
Some people like to do a small load every day but I found that I never actually finished those loads (like fold and put away). I started doing about 2 loads on each of the days. For the most part, I can get it all folded and put away. However, I do leave a load to put away from Tuesday to Thursday on occasion. You’re probably thinking, “I won’t have it all done!” and I don’t always have it done. There is always a load of towels or sheets I can do but I don’t wash those every week because we have enough extras so I can wait to do that. I love Young Living but can’t do that price so I found a great alternative! They have a laundry soap that smells just like the Young Living one!

Wednesday: Floors
We have a two-story house so we are mostly on our main level which is hardwood floors. I will vacuum at least once a day but actually, get out the mop and wash I do on Wednesdays. I’ve shared what we use above but for our hardwood floors, I LOVE the cordless Dyson. It is so lightweight and quick to use for the crumbs that seem to fall all day long. I have a few wet mops that we use. I use the Bissell Steam Mop on the lowest setting or our Bona Hardwood Cleaner. Our upstairs is all carpeted so I use our Shark vacuum to do that on Wednesdays.

Friday: Sheets
Fridays I put new sheets on our beds. I don’t usually wash the sheets on Fridays but you could totally use this day for another load of laundry. Going back to laundry, doing a load every day can be too much but doing a bunch of HUGE loads on the weekends isn’t always fun either, so breaking it up throughout the week is the least stressful for me.

Saturday/Sunday: Catch Up
The weekend I have for catching up IF you need it. I try to have almost all of the cleaning done by the weekend so I don’t have to do much. The weekend can also be used to get a headstart on the week if you find you have a free afternoon one weekend day.

Easy Cleaning Schedule Wrap Up
I hope this simple cleaning schedule helps you think of something that would work for your family! It doesn’t have to be a strict schedule and you can switch up your days based on events happening in your life, but it is nice to have one thing get done every day!