Ready to make a simple preschool counting game that your preschoolers will LOVE!?

Preschool Counting Game Supplies:
For this preschool counting game you will need a few supplies:
- Construction Paper
- Dice (I’ll explain what kind to use below)
- Marker
- Small game board pieces (mini erasers, manipulatives, etc)
- Stickers (any theme)
- Picture to end with (google search images. Most images are ok for personal use only)

For the dice, I took a block and wrote the numbers on it that we were reviewing. I only did numbers 1-3 but you could do up to 6! I used a number dice instead of a dot dice so we could work on identifying the numbers AND practice counting! You can use a dot dice to work on more counting, too. We are working on number identification and counting, so this dice worked perfectly for us.
Check out this other princess activity!
Preschool Counting Game Set Up
The setup for this one is so simple. Grab your marker, construction paper, ending object, and stickers to make the game board. Draw a start line then take your stickers and put them in a wavy line to the ending object. I used princes stickers and made the line end at a castle! You will add a dice and game pieces to move along the game board once you play!

How to Play:
We took turns rolling the dice, identifying the number, and then counting that number of spots on our game board. The first person who gets to the castle is the winner. We played this over and over again to get extra practice. I love this setup because you can make a board that has their favorite characters or things on it.

My preschoolers love princesses so that is why I made a princess game board. If your preschoolers like princesses and need more math/literacy activities, check out my Preschool Pack Princesses.