Looking for some preschool bug activities to do this spring? The weather is getting warmer and that means more time to explore. Why not bring some bug-themed preschool activities into the classroom to work on math and literacy skills?

Preschool Bug Activities
I have a few math activities to share with you! These activities are part of a bug-themed preschool pack that includes literacy activities, as well!

Preschool Ten-Frame Match
This first activity can be done in a couple of different ways. First, you can lay out the bee number cards and flower ten frames. Your preschooler will pick a ten-frame card, count it, then find the bee that matches. To add movement to this activity, put the bee cards across the room, so your child has to “fly” the bee to the matching number. Another way to do this activity is to take the ten frame cards and the recording sheet for the bug jar counting activity, then count the ten frames and trace the number on the recording sheet.

Preschool Bug Counting
This next activity includes that recording sheet I was talking about above. Your preschoolers will count each bug jar and use clothespins or manipulatives to mark the matching number. We used mini bug erasers to mark each number. Once they have completed the counting card, they can trace the number on the recording sheet.

2D Bug Shapes
This next activity is matching 2D bugs to their bug jars. You can put the bugs into a sensory bin or place them in a bucket. Your preschooler will pick a 2D shape, identify it, then place it in the bug jar. For another movement idea, put the bugs across the room and have your preschoolers “fly” the 2D shape bug to the matching bug jar.

Color Word Tracing
This final activity has a rainbow bug match and this fun color word tracing sheet. Your preschooler will take a colored marker or crayon to trace each color word. If your preschooler needs help identifying the words, go through each word and put a little dot next to each word to match the color.

These activities make learning math and literacy in preschool extra fun. If you want a few more spring-themed activity ideas, check out these 10+ spring-themed activities!