I wanted to share a free bookmark printable with you! These can be downloaded and printed to make a cute bookmark for every month of the year!

Free Bookmark Printable

For Christmas, my sister and I are buying one book for each month of the year. We are wrapping them up and opening them all on Christmas, however, I wanted something to identify which book should be read during which month. This is where the monthly bookmark idea comes in!

Free Bookmark Printable
Laminating Sheets
Hole Punch

How to Make Bookmarks
These are super easy to make! First, download the free bookmarks. Next, open the file from your downloads to print (if you print from the browser, it can sometimes print funny). I cut apart all the bookmarks before laminating. I wanted a good edge around each bookmark. Then, cut out the laminating and add a hole punch to the top. Finally, take one of the colored tassels and tie it through the hole.

Bookmark Gift Ideas
These bookmarks make the perfect gift for your book-loving friends. Grab a book off their wishlist and make these cute bookmarks to go with it! I haven’t forgotten about the kids! I have also included some black and white bookmarks here that you can print off for your kids to color, too!