Do you do an ABC Countdown at the end of the year? I have some fun end of the year activities for kindergarten to share with you! Perfect for your letter L day or the perfect theme for a day during the summer! Check it out below!

End of the Year Activities for Kindergarten
The ABC Countdown is a great way to count down the days until the last day of kindergarten. I have the perfect letter L day-Lemonade!

Alphabet Countdown for Letter L
On your letter L day, you can do all things lemonade or yellow themed. You can have your class make lemonade, have a lemonade sensory bin, and work on matching uppercase and lowercase letters with that lemonade theme! A lot of the supplies I used can be used for each activity, too!
End of the Year Activities Idea 1: Make Lemonade
This can be as easy as buying a bottle of lemonade from Target or buying a mix to add to water. Grab some small cups and fun straws to make the day really memorable.

End of the Year Activities Idea 2: Lemonade Sensory Bin
I have two ideas for this one. The first one you can use with your letter matching activity. You will dye rice yellow to represent the lemonade. Then, add some “ice” table scatter and straws.

This next one is a water sensory bin. Great for the end of the year in kindergarten or for a hot summer day! I used a long container and filled it with water that I had dyed yellow. I added the “ice”, lemon slices, straws, and cups. Your kids will have fun making glasses of “lemonade” to serve to their friends.

I like this one because if you are doing it at home this summer, you can have your little ones do it, too! They can practice scooping and pouring the “lemonade” into the cups!

End of Year Activities Idea 3: Letter Matching
Are you ready for a freebie!? This letter match activity can be done in a couple of different ways. You could put the cards into a sensory bin like the rice one above or just put the letter cards into a container that your kids can pick out one card at a time.

Once you have that center set up you will decide whether you want your kids to match uppercase letters to uppercase letters or mix it up with uppercase letters to lowercase letters. This center has both cards and recording sheets. The recording sheets have half the letters on one and the other half on the other. You can put one sheet in or print double-sided, so when they finish one side they can flip it to the other side.

This activity is simple! Pick a letter card, identify it (by name or sound), and then match it on the recording sheet. You can use the ice pieces from the sensory bin to cover each letter.

Looking for more End of Year Activities?
Click here or the image below for over 70 end of the school year/summer freebies!