Looking to take your art project outdoors? Check out these easy outdoor activities for kids! The supplies are ones you should have at home making these activities perfect when you don’t have a lot of time to prep.

Watercolor Painted Rocks
This easy outdoor activity my kids actually thought of this one on their own! They just got new watercolors (hello, back to school) and they love painting rocks so they tried it out on some rocks they found around the house. It worked out so well and you can’t beat an easy setup AND clean-up! No more opening a bunch of different bottles of paint when you can just use your watercolor paints.

Chalk Paint
The second easy outdoor activity I wanted to share with you is chalk paint! I love this because it is a great way to use up your small pieces of chalk and a great way to combine colors to make new colors.

We took a zester and make our chalk into a powder. You can also scrape it with a rock or use a rolling pin to crush it down. Once you have powder, slowly drop water into your bowl. You want the consistency to be thicker. I would say like a watery paste. If it is too watery it will just take more brush strokes to get your “paint” to fill in the lines you are making.

This activity was super fun and I heard “This is so fun!” more than once. It also took a good hour of our day. We would use the paint we created and then go back and make more with more chalk.

Here are the supplies we used:
Plastic Container
Looking for more outdoor learning activities, check out these toddler activities.