National Donut Day is always the first Friday in June and I have some fun donut themed activities that you can do with your preschoolers! These activities can be done any time of the year–because donuts are good any day 😉

Donut Themed Activities
I have a bundle of free donut themed activities to share with you! I put them all together in one link so you can have access to all of them. Keep reading to see what is all included.

Counting Donut Activities
Counting Sprinkles
For this first one, I used a few art supplies like butcher paper, markers, and dot markers. I drew donuts and put a number on top of each one. My preschoolers took dot markers and made “sprinkles” to match each number by the donut.

Sprinkle Drop
This next one you will draw a big donut on a piece of paper. Next, grab some pom poms and the donut recording sheet. I put ours in a page protector so we could do this activity over and over again. We took a handful of pom poms aka “sprinkles” and dropped it onto the donut. Then, we counted how many “sprinkles” landed on the donut and how many off. We wrote the number on the recording sheet. You can also use the recording sheet and smaller pom poms, if you do not want to draw the big donut.

2D Donut Sprinkles
The next counting activity also focuses on 2D shapes! Print the shapes on different colored paper and have your preschooler decorate their donut with the shape “sprinkles”. Once they are done, they will count how many of each shape they have and write the number on their recording sheet.

Donut Color Activities
I have a couple of different color matching activities to share with you. One you can create on your own and the other is included in the color match pack.
Donut Color Dot Match
In the first one you will draw colored donuts on a piece of butcher paper. Then, you will take dot markers and color in each donut using the dot marker that matches.

Donut Color Match
The next one uses the donut color mats and donut color cards. You can put the cards in a sensory bin for a sensory activity or put them across the room for a gross motor activity. Your preschooler will pick a card and then match it to the donut mat that matches.

Donut Letter Activities
Donut Roll and Trace
This first one your preschooler will roll a dice, count the dots, and then trace the letter that matches to that dice. I like this one because your preschooler is working on counting, writing, and letter recognition.

Donut Sprinkle Coloring Sheet
The last activity is a coloring sheet with a little writing! I love these sheets because they can be creative and color while also practicing their writing skills. For this one, I let them decorate their donut with sprinkles. They can pick one color or a bunch of colors. Then, on the line, they will write the color of their sprinkles! I also help with spelling with preschoolers who can’t sound out words but once they can put a few sounds together I let them write the sounds they hear.