Looking for an at home book bag note? Making book bags for your students to bring home is a great way to get your kids reading at home. It can be hard to make sure the books that are being home are being read and taken care of. I created a book bag note for parents and a label to tape on to each book bag. Check it out!

At Home Book Bag Note Freebie
It can be overwhelming to think of how to get books into the hands of all students who need them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but fortunately, there are clear steps you can use to successfully send books home with students. I will share instructions on how to create an effective at-home book bag system for your classroom.

Parent Note
The most important part to make sending book bags home is to make sure the parents are on board with it. Parents will make a huge difference in making it successful. I send home a parent note with the kids that let their parents opt-in or opt-out. I make it optional because some parents might not need it or not want another thing to keep tabs on–and that’s ok! I also think it gives your students a little more buy-in. Once the book bags start getting sent home, more students start bringing in the note to get a new book.

Making the Book Bag
To make the book bag, I take a gallon-sized Ziploc and tape the note to the bag. I like to use colored paper because it stands out but if you only have white, just highlight the important parts (like the days they will get the books). You can send books home 1, 2, or more times a week. Having a certain day they go home will keep it a little less stressful. You won’t be trying to get books sent out every day if you don’t want to.

Books to Send Home
You’re probably thinking what books should I send home? There are so many different kinds you can send home. If you have emergent readers, you can send home those. I like these emergent readers because I can print them off and if they get lost it won’t be a huge hit on my spending. You can also put in leveled readers if you have a library of those. Finally, you can put in picture books that can be read by your student’s parents. I love finding cheap books at garage sales or Goodwill.